Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Secret of My Birthday

130 天生的领导人










美国总统罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)美国总统,他以新政带领美国人下次出经济大恐慌,并订定社会安全法。在第二次世界大战期间,他再度获选为美国总统,是连任最多次(4次)的总统。

历史学家杜希曼(Barbara Tuchman),以《八月的炮声》荣获普立兹奖,著有《遥元的镜子》等作品。

苏俄世界西洋棋冠军史帕斯(Boris Spassky),他的棋风适应性强,有国际象棋大师之称。

凡妮莎士比亚蕾格瑞芙(Vanessa Redgrave) 舞台剧与电影演员,以《摩根》一片荣获坎城影燕尾服最佳女主角奖。除了演艺事业外,她也热中参与政治活动。

百老汇制作人兼导演哈罗德普林斯(Harold Prince),他主要的成就在音乐剧方面,曾制作出非常杰出的音乐剧,如《西城故事》和《费瑞罗》。

苏格兰工程师瓦特(James Watt),他设计了蒸汽引擎并改良蒸汽机,目前我们使用的电力单位就是以他的姓氏命名。





Erm, am I really like what the passage have written? Haha, maybe a little bit...

File provided from http://astro.sunvv.com/

Friday, January 18, 2008

*CRC Trip to Kundasang*

The trip was held on 10~12 Dec 2007... Sorry as I'm too late to share the trip with you guys... Komenasai...
Well, I begin to write my article in Chinese lor...

在10号当天, 我们0900从STTSS出发, 一路上, 都觉得路途超熟悉的, 因为我们班在27~29 Nov 2007 都到 Melinsung 游玩过啊... Haiz, 还以为去的地方有多不同, 其实也不是一样的嘛... 但是呢, 好戏往往都在后头!!!

Shit!!! 当巴士到达 BCCM Camp 路口的时候, 我还以为要爬山玩水, 怎知原来是到达了我们住宿的地方?! 哎哟, 我的天呐, 竟然要我们提着自己的大包小包爬上去啊!!! 真是要命啊!!! 路不但斜, 还远得够力, 要是有阿伯阿嬷的话要他们怎么上啊? 真是没脑的发展商!!! 你爸我认识他的话他肯定没命了!!! 可是话说回来, 其实是那架巴士没力啦, 再加上我们这边个个年轻力壮, 所以就慢慢爬上去, 当运动咯... Haiz...

住在这里的这几天, 除了煮食之外, 所有吃的喝的, 洗的弄的, 都必须是自己一手包办... 所以情况都差不多跟班级旅行一样... 只是唯一不同的是, 老师的妻子--师母煮的饭菜, 没胡凯翔煮得那么好吃啦!!! T.T 当时真的好想把 Fat Oh 捉上来当主厨呢... OMG!!! 有一个超够力重要的问题, 我都会叫他 FAT OH 啦, 哪里有力搬他上来咧? 开玩笑...

在11号当天, 我们去了 Sabah Tea Garden & Tea Factory, War Memorial Park, Rose Garden 及 Hotel Perkasa... Haha, 我又跑去玩那个 fin 来 fin 去的, 蛮爽的...^^ Naughty leh...

老师说, 今晚大家都不要睡觉, 一直玩到天亮... 所以,我们在大概在2100++, 大概有十多人酱一起走到黑暗迷蒙宿舍外的儿童游乐场, 寻找讲鬼故事的好气氛... 怎知道, 因为有些人怕到连自己姓什么都忘了, 所以我们在讲完一则鬼故事之后, 就塔上一则搞笑故事, 不过也好啦, 有惊有喜啦... -_-lll

到了最后一天, 我们大概0830就 check out, 然后直接前往温泉公园去... 当时, 老师将我们分成两派: 一派留在温泉区玩水; 另一派就跟老师穿山越林... 这么好动活跃的我, 怎么能够只留在温泉区玩水呢? 所以我就跟着去越野啦... 哎哟, 这个越野真的要拿了你爸我的命啊!!! 我们竟然有本事从1010越到1510,足足走了7000多米, 真是有多够力的!!! 而且一路上还被吸血鬼2号(水蛭)攻击, 他妈的, 它们还长得有够难看的, 真想吐1 litre 口水来辣死它(由於当时身上没带到盐, 所以就紧急使用了用之不竭的水--Saliva Fluid, 所以不是说 rude word 啦)...

从森林出来后,你爸我人又饿又渴又累, 简直是像从恐龙世界逃完难之后回到自己世界的感觉一样, 好凄惨啊!!! 不过也好, 你爸我至少也试过喝山顶水, 试过差点被水蛭咬伤的滋味, 而且也试过什么才是真正的越野, 也无所不好啊!!! Haha...

Let's view my photos...

The Ranau River...

The main entrance of War Memorial Park...

The stairs inside War Memorial Park...

The Sabah Tea Garden...

Gosh!!! The broken Malay notice board found in the War Memorial Park...

The English Garden in War Memorial Park...

Ms. Chang and I at the cactus section of Rose Garden...

We at the peak of the bukit to enjoy fresh and clean water fall...

Nice view from BCCM Camp...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Reason For The Dullness

Although CNY is about to arrive, our country seems to be very silent and lack of happiness... Why?
The reason is, all the things in our country become to more expensive... Besides, now our country is lack of cooking oil... I don't think this is the truth that Malaysia is lack of cooking oil because palm oil is one the main economy resources for Malaysia to earn money... How come this could be happen? Similarly, the products that sell at the supermarket is not fresh and lack of stock... How could all these happen during the festive season? Will our positions and conditions become like Indonesia, Baghdad and Iraq? Will robberies, wars and explosions happening in our hometown?
Gosh... If all these really come to Malaysia, can I still meet my family and friends? Oh my, too horrible to think these continuously... Iu...

Boring Time ~~~ Haiz

Haiz... No job, no school, no work ... Gosh, what a tiring month!!! Only stay at home staring at the monitor, watching movies, downloading songs and reading my friends blog... Oh god, this doesn't make any sense, okay... I am totally too free... Too free until can't find a topic to write in my blog... T.T
Haiz... Now I always stay at home alone with my puppy, Bambi everyday... This is because my dad go out for work and my mum go out to play mahjong... Although Bambi is staying with me, but I still feel dull... You know why? Because puppy also needs to sleep!!! Swt... Then what I can do is online, staring the monitor, clicking the mouse and press those keyboard buttons...
Haiz... Why Sabah doesn't have organise any fun fair for the residents? Oh my, totally no feel of CNY will be coming soon...
Haiz... Too quiet for a city when a festive season is going to arrive... Shaking head for the abnormal phenomena... Haiz...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Happy Day!!!

Haha, thank god!!!! For today is awal Muharram... Cuz my bf would have holiday to accompany me, yeah yeah~~~ Today, my mum wants me to help her buy shoes, as she knows my bf will come back from school... Hohoho, that's why my mum wants to make a chance for us to have a date... Well, honestly, I didn't bought any shoes for my mum, cuz I can't find any suitable style for her... But but but, I've bought a pair ofshoes for myself... For me, the shoes is nice, cute and ... Oh, I LIKE IT!!! Besides, I've bought a movie titled 'Pokemon2007-The Ranger And The Prince Of The Ocean'... But I can't watch it yet, cuz the cd is at my bf's home... Lol... The most important event today is, I can eat KFC!!! Woohoo!!! I've ate the Extra Zinger Max, Cheezy Wedges and Whipped Potato!!! All of them are my favourite food!!! Haha... Yummy~~~

Okay, finish 'Syok Sendiri' now... Back to the position... Made it... Over...

Today is my nephew's 9th birthday!!! Of course, as his dearest aunt, I've sent my wishes and greetings for him this early morning... I hope he could stay in well condition in everything and do not act like a MONKEY anymore!!!

PS: Elton is a 'little' bit naughty... Hope he'll change his behavior as to let my sister have good days and will not get old as fast as possible... Haha...^^

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A day with happiness and sadness

Today, I didnt go anywhere... Cuz wan waiting for my BF to come to say good bye to me.. Y?
Cuz today is his school reopen day!!! He finally had came at about 12++pm.. Before that, I've made a potato salad for him as he miss my cook very much... When he is eating, I can feel that his act is really familiar to an auntie... He is counting the price of the dish non-stop around me: 6 potatoes cost RM6, 5 eggs cost RM2.5/0.5 per, salad sauce RM7 and RM0.7 an onion... So totally the dish is cost about RM15... Then I said, what can I do if u wan to eat?! With a paiseh expression, he said it is worth for a couple to have this dish, hehe... Continue, he said "If i can sell this dish, it may be can up to RM20 oh!!!" OMG!!! Then I just =_=" and speechless... After 2 hours++ he stay at my home, he really needs to say good bye cuz it's the time for him to go back school... Oh, so fast the time has run...

On the other hand, tonight my mum has bought a beautiful watch for me... It looks young, nice and beautiful... And it's shine in light pink color... I like it, yeah~~~

At about 8pm, my parents is going to sleep, and all the lights in my home is switch off except the bathroom as I am prepare to take a bath. Suddenly, an unknown mistery phone call with my ringtone 'Happy Tree Friends' is shown on my handphone screen... I count 1, 2 and 3 silently, and I answer..... 'Hello...' A known voice is appeared... God!!! He is my BF... He phone me to tell me that he has reached his school and found that his locker had been broken by someone else during the school holiday... So as his friends too... As result, his radio and soap is all gone... What is left is just an empty locker... Fortunately, nothing expensive is stolen... Oh gosh, what a bad security condition at the school campus... Luckily no robbery will happens during class...